Client case study

international expansion with the power of paid ads

You can’t control the algorithm but you can take control of your sales.

GlowDry is Australia’s First Fake Tan Drying Powder that instantly sets your fake tan in a flash so you can get dressed and get on with life. In 2020, after being burnt by other agencies, GlowDry put their trust one last time in outsourcing their paid advertising to us…and have been a client ever since!

Being a seasonal product our biggest hurdle has been sustaining consistent sales & growth during their “off season” being March - August. This lead to expanding internationally targeting other countries summer periods. After seeing success in the United States, we expanded the brand into Canada & United Kingdom.

Recently, we’ve moved into expanding into a European market finding popularity of the product in Germany, Switzerland, Austria & Spain. ’

Services: Facebook Ads Management + google ads Management

What we have achieved..

Solved the problem of a seasonal product

Maintained sales goal during “off season”

Expanded into US market in 2022

Expanded into CA & UK market in 2023

Expanded into European market in 2024

Increased retail sales through product awareness e.g. Priceline

Key statistics: