turning skincare enthusiasts into raving fans through solution oriented ads and curated emails

Client case study

You can’t control the algorithm but you can take control of your sales.

Services: Facebook Ads Management + Email Marketing Management

Botanicals By Luxe is a small batch skincare range, ethically made using only sustainable, natural and skin safe ingredients.

Before we took over this account, they had never run paid ads. They had already seen success growing organically but new with the changing digital landscape (infinite algorithm updates) and big growth goals they needed to invest in paid advertising.

Straight away, we recognised an untapped opportunity. Using UGC style content showcasing customers incredible results their Meta (Facebook Ads) took off almost instantly and after 12 months we were trusted to take over their email marketing as well.

What we have achieved..

$450k+ revenue generated from Meta (Facebook Ads)

5.5x ROAS (return on ad spend)

$141k+ revenue generated from email campaigns

33% open rate on email campaigns

5.8% CTR on email campaigns

4.5% conversion rate on email flows

Key statistics: